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Sunday, December 27, 2009


It is a funny word...amuses me like nothing else. I know not much about etymology and stuff..but had learnt during my MBA prepartions that the word has a Latin root; exspectare where ex means OUT and spectare means TO LOOK. The Latin coined the word and left it onto us to run with the baton...

A queer thought struck me today...Why do we never say a woman is carrying or developing an offspring? We instead choose to say she is expecting...There you go, the setting happens right before the time a child has arrived, that's his first and formal introduction with expectation. Even before a baby is OUT we start TO LOOK for precast beliefs, set our hopes and aspirations from him, device/design his role in our lives. He is expected.....he is not invited or awaited or longed for to live with us the way he desires, he's expected!!
Funny isn't it how homo sapiens are programmed to expect right at inception. It is injected in his blood stream before marking the natal arrival. An embryo is expected to plant itself right in the womb of the bearer, in case he doesn't he's surgically seperated from the host even if it means terminating a life. And this modus operandi and several other manifestations of the same in the due course of life never ceases to exist and amuse me!!!


  1. out of the context but ....

    Now i know where the word Claustrophobia came from... the babies yell it out everyday.
    There is no "gaga gugu giga" ... its just a cryptic way of saying ... "get me out of here"

    but yes ..u r right abt the wrd "expected"
    hmm never thought abt it.

  2. Did u notice that the woman is carrying at least triplets? There could be a possible 4th baby too :)

  3. how true... but each offspring develops its own personality.. each offspring does deviate from the expectations attached to it.. that's how they live their own life too.. life isnt meant to be a display n following of only other ppl's expectations!!
    khud ka bhi toh koi wajood hota hai...
