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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Control Operation

We are bigtime freakshows!!! We trip on the smallest opportunity given to us for exercising control.
Interestingly today evening at the Delhi Airport I saw a mother-son duo truly exceptional in their ways. The tiny kid wasn't wearing ANY warm clothes, was left defenseless against the ruthless cold, glaring in the Winter's face and still darting around with joy, while the mom herself fully loaded with all the layered protection didn't freak out at all!! This happens???? :O
Had it been a mom from my "mother's clan" she would be inanely anxious with sweat beads adorning her forehead even in winters...They just can't let their kids out in the Winter the way they want to.....
I think all of us vicariously do away with our insecurities by forcing things upon the others lower in order to us, the ones who succumb to our controlling tendencies, the ones who can be taken for granted, the ones who seldom react....
We did that to machines as well!! Someone remembered to add a Ctrl key to the keyboard, another remembered the conrol function in interpretation and processing of matter what every result is completely specified by a rule ALWAYS!!
Therefore most of us end up doing what we OUGHT to do, not what we WANT to do, with due consideration given to all the parameters that control our existence.
It's hard to imagine the world with all of us breaking free some day from all that binds us down, all that is non-pivotal for our survival...Turmoil or Harmony????

Sunday, December 27, 2009


It is a funny word...amuses me like nothing else. I know not much about etymology and stuff..but had learnt during my MBA prepartions that the word has a Latin root; exspectare where ex means OUT and spectare means TO LOOK. The Latin coined the word and left it onto us to run with the baton...

A queer thought struck me today...Why do we never say a woman is carrying or developing an offspring? We instead choose to say she is expecting...There you go, the setting happens right before the time a child has arrived, that's his first and formal introduction with expectation. Even before a baby is OUT we start TO LOOK for precast beliefs, set our hopes and aspirations from him, device/design his role in our lives. He is expected.....he is not invited or awaited or longed for to live with us the way he desires, he's expected!!
Funny isn't it how homo sapiens are programmed to expect right at inception. It is injected in his blood stream before marking the natal arrival. An embryo is expected to plant itself right in the womb of the bearer, in case he doesn't he's surgically seperated from the host even if it means terminating a life. And this modus operandi and several other manifestations of the same in the due course of life never ceases to exist and amuse me!!!

Friday, December 25, 2009

The True Mirage: a short story

Like a rejected pariah they threw her out, just the way people discard disposable paper cups after drinking to the bottom, never to look back at her. She trudged the path shown to her, only to be invested with gloom and despondency with the setting sun. Like they say..whatever happens life has to go on, so it went on!

Her dreams had the imagery of a real, true mirage to pursue. She tried to detach herself from this relentless chase but the heart wouldn't give up. Wild thoughts of unpuzzling the mirage tugged her, and drawn was she time and again. The world wanted her while she wanted her oasis of bliss. She would set out everyday on an unyielding journey, ignoring the world and rest until it became her cherished passion. With every setting sun the dream got pushed farther and farther away, and she closer and more connected to her surreal goal making it a crying need. Tears couldn't wipe off the desire so strong and persistent nor could the wretched world!

A mysterious dove perched on her roof one morning to tell her that the mirage wasn't very far from where she stood but the cruelty of life would demand complete oblivion and a cessation of wordly ties, she could never return to where she belongs.....

She had a dialogue with the dove, she wanted the mirage with the world. The dove was resolute, would give her one or none. She had a dialogue with the world, the world was resolute too. Moreover, they promised her a similar mirage not too remote with no enforced stipulation and with all the goodness of the world. In haste they lead her to the place where she thought rested her fantasies in deep coffers.

In the flurry of events and thoughts she at once decided to let go off the old pursuit and hurriedly openend the coffers only to find the bugs of woes and pain. The looming plague prompted her to run back to the world, her haven which she had decided never to betray. The world knew her no more, she didn't belong anymore, her woes were not to be apportioned and addressed. Like a rejected pariah they threw her out, just the way people discard disposable paper cups after drinking to the bottom, never to look back at her. She trudged the path shown to her, only to be invested with gloom and despondency with the setting sun. Like they say..whatever happens life has to go on, so it goes on!