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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Control Operation

We are bigtime freakshows!!! We trip on the smallest opportunity given to us for exercising control.
Interestingly today evening at the Delhi Airport I saw a mother-son duo truly exceptional in their ways. The tiny kid wasn't wearing ANY warm clothes, was left defenseless against the ruthless cold, glaring in the Winter's face and still darting around with joy, while the mom herself fully loaded with all the layered protection didn't freak out at all!! This happens???? :O
Had it been a mom from my "mother's clan" she would be inanely anxious with sweat beads adorning her forehead even in winters...They just can't let their kids out in the Winter the way they want to.....
I think all of us vicariously do away with our insecurities by forcing things upon the others lower in order to us, the ones who succumb to our controlling tendencies, the ones who can be taken for granted, the ones who seldom react....
We did that to machines as well!! Someone remembered to add a Ctrl key to the keyboard, another remembered the conrol function in interpretation and processing of matter what every result is completely specified by a rule ALWAYS!!
Therefore most of us end up doing what we OUGHT to do, not what we WANT to do, with due consideration given to all the parameters that control our existence.
It's hard to imagine the world with all of us breaking free some day from all that binds us down, all that is non-pivotal for our survival...Turmoil or Harmony????

1 comment:

  1. 2 completely unrelated things actually. Making a kid wear warm clothes is a by-product of your love and concern not an exercise to control. If a kid knows all that is best for him, he wouldn't be called a kid now will he!
    Again, one always has a choice do follow one's own mind and heart. If you succumb to peer pressure, it's you who is weak willed. Can't blame the world for it.
